Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sleepy Time

When Gareth finally winds down for the evening, usually about 4 am, he likes to crash in his safari themed Pak 'n Play.

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I really pushed for a Godzilla or Green Lantern theme but was ultimately vetoed by Kathleen. Rest assured, when we move to our new midwest home and Gareth has a room all to himself, there will be plenty of Godzilla and Green Lantern decor.

As long as we're talking sleep, here are a couple other sleep oriented photos.
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Notice how his hands are free from his swaddling? No matter how we try to bundle him, he always manages to liberate his hands. Freedom!

Finally, here's a picture of Gareth and I hanging out late at night. I was reading him the The Tao of Pooh when he finally crashed. It's a very calming book.
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Note the unentangled hands.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Remember the bizarre X-files episode with the flukeman?
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I give you flukebaby!
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Somebody call Scully and Mulder!

Friday, June 24, 2005

I Have Hands!

In the last couple days, Gareth discovered his hands. He's done a great many new things with this new discovery.

1. He gave me the "rock on" sign. \m/
2. He offered the Vulcan "Live long and prosper" gesture.
3. He poked himself in the eye.
4. He tried to cram both hands into his mouth simultaneously.
5. He flipped off his parents.
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A chip off the old block, eh? I'm still trying to fit both hands inside my mouth at the same time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Making an early entrance into the world (6:42 am), Gareth scored no points with his nightowl parents. As you can tell by the smiles on our faces just moments after his arrival, Kathleen and I were both glad he arrived safe and sound.

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Okay, so you can't really tell from the picture that I'm smiling. You'll have to trust that there's a great big smile behind the mask.

During our hospital stay, Gareth met his grandparents.

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He also had plenty of time to hang out with mom.

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When it was time to head home, Gareth hopped into some of his cool new punk clothes. Oi!

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Almost Obi-wan

When Kathleen and I discovered we were having a little boy, the search for a name was on. While we chose Gareth, a name that rose to the top of the list very early in the brainstorming process, I always thought Obi-wan held a certain degree of appeal. Naming a child after one of the most interesting characters of the Star Wars saga would have been a tribute both to my son and the fiction hero I admire more than any other. Since we obviously went with a more conventional name, I decided to name this blog after Gareth's almost moniker. This is Gareth's blog, or at least my attempt to keep friends and family up-to-speed on what's new in his world. For the most part, I'll post new pictures. From time to time, however, I reserve the right to wax poetical about the adventures and misadventures of the new addition to our family. Enjoy.