Sunday, April 30, 2006

Crawlin' Two: Infant Boogaloo

He's still crawling.
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When he stops, he finds himself in some unusual places.
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Once in a while, he stops for a snack (that's dogfood in his hand).
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With a full tummy, he's off for more adventures!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Goin' Mobile

It had to happen sooner or later. We would have preferred later rather than sooner, but there's no going back and our lives have changed forever. Gareth is crawling. Clear the floor and get anything dangerous or breakable out of his reach; Gareth is going exploring. By his mischievous grin, you just know he's looking for trouble.
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Trouble? Did someone mention trouble? How about playing in the doggie water bowl!
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How about climbing Dad's office chair?
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Let's play with DVDs!
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Crawl, crawl, as fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm the g-man!
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Across the Arctic Tundra!

For someone who hadn't spent a single winter in the midwest, Gareth was amazingly prepared for the harsh conditions. If the temperature was in the upper 20s, he insisted we take him for a long walk in the stroller. He handled the cold weather far better than either of his parents. We attribute his cold weather hardiness to his most excellent hat.
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When I informed him that a below zero stretch was about to begin, he seemed thrilled by the prospect.
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When we informed him that he'd one day inherit the chore of shoveling snow, he seemed less than thrilled.
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