Sunday, June 18, 2006


Although it's hard to believe 365 days have flown by, they have; Gareth turned one on June 17. So many things have changed in the past year and he's becoming more of a little boy than a baby. For example, Kathleen and I don't need to hand feed him at every single meal or snack. Gareth's becoming quite adept at eating things like banana, cantaloup, pears, cheese, veggie burgers, and macaroni and cheese. He even tried a little bit of green pepper a couple nights ago. He really seemed to love his birthday dinner of veggie burger, cheese curds, cantaloup, peaches, and pear juice.
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When we asked how he was enjoying his meal, he was unavailable for comment as his hand was stuffed in his mouth.
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After dinner proper, it was time for the best part of a birthday: cake!
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We ordered the cake from a popular local bakery (yes, we have more than one bakery in Decorah) and Kathleen and I were a little disappointed with the lack of festive cake decorating. Gareth gave us an "Is that it?" look when he saw the cake, too.
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Given that the important part of a cake is the flavor and not the overall appearance, we all suspended judgment until the tasting commenced. Gareth took the first bite honors.
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After giving his approval . .
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we all commenced a cake feast! Indeed, the cake was quite good. Gareth wasn't sure he liked the feeling of cake squishing between his fingers.
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We decided he inherited Kathleen's sense of cleanliness--dirty hands just won't do. He pleaded with Kathleen to get a baby wipe.
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A good, cake eatin' time was had by all.
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