Monday, August 29, 2005

Leaping Lizards!

We're not sure why, but Gareth frequently adopts a unique pose when sleeping. When he sleeps like this, which is quite often, we refer to him as Frog Boy.
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If any future comic book based movies feature Batroc ze Leaper or The Toad, we figure we'll try to get Gareth an audition.

Mon dieu!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Lick This!

One of the most stressful parts of Gareth's arrival into the world was varied and sundry advice we received from the lactation specialists (or as one specialist referred to herself, The Boob Lady). Due to some of the complications with birth (low blood sugar), Gareth received formula soon after making his entrance. Introducing him to the bottle made for a tricky transition to feeding au naturale. Every lactation specialist had a different suggestion. One specialist, however, evoked the contempt of both Kathleen and myself. This particular milk quack decided that Gareth needed his frenulum clipped. That's the webby thing that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. Ms. Milk Quack, with her numerous medical degrees (note the sarcasm), suggested, quite fervently, that without a frenulum clip Gareth would never be able to stick his tongue out and successfully breast feed. Apparently, a baby needs to be able to stick her or his tongue out past the bottom lip to feed properly. Whatever. I'm still mystified by the need for a lactation specialist. Haven't humans been breast feeding babies for tens of thousands of years? Gareth, his mother, and I were all a little freaked out by her suggestion. Gareth still gets a little weird when we bring it up.
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In case you don't recognize it, that's Gareth's signature "WTF" look.

Thankfully, we told Ms. Milk Quack to get stuffed. As my sister, the speech therapist who specializes in the workings of the mouth & throat, stated, "You don't start messing with the mouth a day after delivery. There's every possibility that his frenulum will turn out to be just fine." Guess what, it did. Ms. Milk Quack will be happy to know that Gareth is quite accomplished at sticking his tongue out. These are directed right at ya, lady.
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Look out Gene Simmons!

Guy Smilie v2.0

More smiles from Almost Obi-wan.
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Is this Gareth or the Happy Buddha?
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Keep the smiles coming, kid. Mom and Dad like it when you're all smiles. The crying? Not so much.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


One of the pleasures of being a parent is watching Gareth change on an almost daily basis. Three weeks ago, he was essentially a blob that wiggled once in a while. He ate, he cried, he wet his diaper and not much else. Today is a different story. A couple weeks ago he started smiling in response to our actions. At least once day, usually in the mornings, we get a visit from Guy Smilie!
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Monday, August 15, 2005

Slumber Party

We've arrived at our new home and I'll start updating Gareth's site regularly. In the mean time, here's a photo of Gareth and I taking a nap at our old Colorado residence. Actually, he's sleeping and I'm watching. I'm always afraid he's going to slide off my chest when we sleep together. The photo is a few weeks old--you won't believe how much he's changed.
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