Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Repairs

Thanks to the virulent stomach virus running through our household--we've apparently infected almost everyone with whom we've had contact, too--we postponed Thanksgiving dinner until Saturday. Everyone in our house has had a touchy stomach the last few days. I was feeling a bit better today and decided that Gareth and I should have our first father and son repair session. The garage door needed a new gear, the weather was warm, and Gareth had the afternoon free. So, I climbed the ladder to make a preliminary inspection.
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Yep, the door still needed a new gear. I'm not all that great with tools and after a few attempts at removing a rather tricky nut, I turned over the task to Gareth.
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Brandishing his trusty rachet wrench, he made quick work of that pesky nut.
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How does he make it look so damn simple?
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And he left me to tighten things up when finished. He retired for a snack and a nap; I stayed in the cold garage and cleaned up his mess. Figures.