Saturday, July 02, 2005

Meet the Parents

As one would expect, Gareth gets to spend a considerable amount of time with his proud parents. During much of family time, Kathleen and I stand around admiring our handiwork and making comments like, "What a beautiful baby. We really outdid ourselves. Seriously, some kids aren't all that cute but he's really good looking." Not that we're biased or anything. With all the parental adoration, he's probably doomed to live life as a narcissist. Self love is a good thing, right?

Here's Mom telling Baby G that he has the most beautiful. eyes. ever.
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Here's Dad reminding Gareth that it's necessary to be beautiful both inside and out. We're sitting in front of the computer reading an article on rhetoric, performativity, and subjectivity.
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Is he engaged in the scintillating material or what?! A philosopher in the making, no doubt.

And before anyone thinks we spend too much time admiring our child, here's a self portrait of the entire family. We think we're all pretty damn hot.
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Gareth is lamenting the fact that we're stealing some of the limelight.


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