Friday, December 02, 2005

Guest Photographer

Time for a little change of pace. Three weeks ago, Kathleen, Gareth, and I traveled to Boston, MA for the National Communication Association convention. Kathleen and Gareth were lucky--I only subjected them to two hours of textbook browsing. While in Boston, we hooked up with our dear friends Tess and John. Tess and I did the geeky convention thing (we're both academics by trade) and John showed Kathleen and Gareth around the city. During the trip, John snapped a few digital photos and that's how he became Almost Obi-wan's first guest photographer. This entire post is brought to us through the digital magic of John.

I'm kind of sad I missed this magic moment. Look at Gareth eyeing that cup of coffee!
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A little over five months old and he's already showing an interest in coffee?! Is there any question the kid has my genes?

John also captured a full-fledged smile/giggle moment.
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Now that is a happy baby.

John also captured a meta-photo moment. Here's a picture of me taking a picture of Gareth.
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Finally, John used the timer function on his camera and captured a moment of John, Tess, Kathleen, Gareth, and Derek hijinx!
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Nice work, John!


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